Voucher Schemes

Dinotots Childcare invoice for childcare each month and requires payment by the 1st of each month in advance. Invoices are available through email and directly from the nursery.

Payment can be made via cash, standing order/bank transfer or childcare vouchers. Please speak to the Nursery Manager to gain the account details for standing orders.Dinotots Childcare participates in a wide range of voucher schemes. If you are paying part of your monthly invoice in this manner, please email confirmation of payment to your Nursery Manager each month.

Voucher Schemes

EdenRed – Quote Carer Account Number : P21259101

Website: www.childcarevouchers.co.uk

Fidelti – Quote Carer Account Number : DIN019C

Website: www.fideliti.co.uk

ComputerShare – Quote Carer Account Number : 0026463783

Website: www.computersharevoucherservices.com


Website: www.kiddivouchers.com